Study Guide

Elementary Education Multi-Content: Social Studies
Sample Questions

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Competency 0041
Understand basic historical concepts and major developments in Missouri, U.S., and world history.

1. One major cause of the American Revolution was disagreement between colonists and the British over which of the following questions?

  1. Should the British abolish slavery in the colonies?
  2. Do the colonists have a right to freedom of speech?
  3. How will the British defend the colonies?
  4. Who has the authority to tax the colonists?
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Correct Response: D. The colonists believed that the British had no authority to tax them because the colonies had no representation in the British Parliament.

Competency 0042
Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of geography.

2. Which of the following geographic factors most fundamentally affects human efforts to produce the food needed to sustain a given population?

  1. level of industrialization
  2. longitude
  3. level of urbanization
  4. climate
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Correct Response: D. The climate of a region encompasses a variety of meteorological factors, such as temperature, rainfall, humidity, and weather patterns. These factors affect the types of foods that can be grown successfully in a particular geographic region more fundamentally than industrialization, longitude, or urbanization.

Competency 0043
Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of government and economics.

3. For which of the following purposes does the U.S. Constitution guarantee the right to a writ of habeas corpus?

  1. to ensure that criminal defendants have access to an attorney
  2. to prevent the illegal imprisonment of persons in the United States
  3. to prevent unreasonable searches and seizures
  4. to ensure that a person is not tried twice for the same crime
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Correct Response: B. A writ of habeas corpus allows a person who is incarcerated to appeal to a judge to review the imprisonment and determine whether the petitioner is being detained unlawfully.